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Home Sellers Should Avoid These Buyer Turn OffsEven with a lot of prepping that may include remodeling and decluttering, home sellers sometimes miss the mark. They overlook things that may not require major work but still amount to big turn offs for buyers. In fact, overlooking these things often drives the buyer away. Home sellers should avoid these buyer turn offs, but exactly what are they? Also, exactly how do you avoid them?

Home Sellers Should Avoid These Buyer Turn Offs and Deal Killers

Some things get easy for homeowners to overlook. Even when owners become sellers, it’s hard to see them. These things usually reside in what people are accustomed to and what they prize personally.On that note, let’s get right into why home sellers should avoid these buyer turn offs.

1. Personalization – We’ve probably all been there at one time. The things we prefer, the things we consider making our house a home, make up some of the very things that can disenchant potential buyers. Why? Buyers want to be able to easily picture themselves in the home they’re viewing. A lot of personalized things don’t allow them that privilege. Even worse, personal things a home seller holds dear that foster emotionally charged or polarized feelings can really turn buyers off. For example, buyers could be from another town. Meanwhile, your sports rivalry items revere an opposing team. Also, maybe, the buyers don’t like sports?

Personalization can really take a bad turn with polarizing items in the home like controversial flags or naked images, and so on. That’s the kind of thing that tends to force the attention of the buyer. Although, their attention gets drawn away from your home. As a result, it makes the wrong impression. It works to alienate your buyer quickly.

Solution: Home sellers should look into sellers agents, who have expert know how in selling a home. Then, let the sellers agent of choice show them exactly how to make their home appear as neutral as possible.

Home Sellers Should Avoid These Buyer Turn Offs Also

Home Seller Home Buyer Turn Offs2. Pet presence – A lot of us are pet owners. Although, for the purposes of showing a home that’s on the market, home sellers should be aware of the downside. Pet odors, pet byproducts and pets running around are all things that get poor reviews from potential buyers.

Solution: For best results, remove all signs of pets for showings. Get valuable Fort Worth home seller services to assist with handling the temporary transition.

3. Locked rooms – Remember, buyers want to see the whole house they are thinking of buying. Showing them only parts of it defeats the purpose of successfully selling a home.

4. Lingering odors – Homeowners get used to some odors in the home. They don’t notice them. Even when they think the house is ‘squeaky clean’ these odors can ‘squeak in’. Unpleasant odors can kill a deal faster than you can say, ‘home sellers should avoid these buyer turn offs’.

5. Lighting – A dreary back drop and one with poorly lit rooms gets the positive attention of very few. When you think about it, that makes total sense. If a room isn’t ‘in lights’ it can’t be fully appreciated.

Solution: Sellers should get an expert opinion. That should be from someone who doesn’t live in the home. In the Fort Worth area, find Fort Worth realtors you can trust. Allow them to re-imagine and stage your home for top dollar.
