Pecan Plantation Community

People like the fact that Lake Granbury has so many miles of shoreline line to offer as waterfront. They like the fact that the Brazos River embraces the whole area. Indeed, it feeds the lake and proceeds from it. In a graceful loop, the Brazos winds around a large area past the south end of Lake Granbury. That whole area …

9017 Hickory Hill Drive, Granbury TX 76049

Pecan Plantation Home For Sale

Well, if you want elegance, with a warm, welcoming accent, and all the comforts of relaxed upscale living, expect a pleasant surprise in Pecan Plantation. It’s a beautiful Pecan Plantation home for sale, in a beautiful subdivision, with country clubs, a marina, and would you believe an air park!? You’ll find this great subdivision just off the south end of …

Lake Granbury Home for Sale - Living Room

Lake Granbury Home For Sale

Outside Fort Worth, Texas, off to the southwest, you’ll find some impressive bodies of water. You’ll find the Brazos River winding its way across the landscape. You’ll find Lake Granbury, fed by the river. The Brazos, where Lake Granbury begins to take form, continues in a winding shape through the town of Granbury. The town is pleasant and quaint, with …

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness In the Great City of Fort Worth TX

Horse Owners Tired of Boarding?

It’s nothing new. Boarding a horse gives horse owners heart burn for various reasons. Mainly, there are a lot of can’t do’s. You can’t often ride when you want, feed your horse when you want what you want. Often, you encounter ‘barn drama’, and must submit to the rules and schedule of the boarding facility. A more relaxed, focused interaction …

Equestrian Neighborhood

Cattlebaron Parc Fort Worth

Fort Worth, Texas has many horse friendly subdivisions that are also quite exclusive, private and gated. Beyond their upscale and private qualities, they serve the very functional and sometimes necessary needs of horse owners. For example, Cattlebaron Parc Fort Worth creates an environment that frees the horse owner from the limits of boarding their horse. They can keep their horse, …

Blinds vs Curtains

Window Blinds Vs Curtains Debate

Let’s face it, while decorating a home can be a fun and satisfying experience, it has its challenges. Even going in with a solid idea of a type and look of a feature you want, finding it, sometimes sizing and customizing it comes into play. Take blinds and curtains for instance. There are so many different choices it almost boggles …

Self Cleaning Windows

Self Cleaning Window Revolution

When we think of windows, it’s often in the context of major appeal and livability in a home. It’s true that windows can add tons of beauty and fine accents to an interior living space. Plenty of light and a focus on lovely views are often factored into a home’s design and development. Cornerstones of what we love and enjoy …

Best Fort Worth Realtors

Best Fort Worth Realtors

If you’re planning on selling your Fort Worth house, one of the first things you probably want to know is who are the best Fort Worth realtors and what Fort Worth realtor would best be suited to get the job done for you. One quick way to get a solid idea is to check for Fort Worth realtor testimonials. See …

Montserrat Custom Home Site For Sale

Montserrat Custom Home Site For Sale

If you’re interested in quality Fort Worth homes and you haven’t checked out the Montserrat neighborhood yet, you may be incentivized to do so. Just west of Western Hills and the I-820 loop, Montserrat is a new, up-and-coming, private enclave of many luxury homes and nearly as many custom home sites. It is entirely possible to get in on a …

Fort Worth Best In Class Lifestyle

Fort Worth Riverfront Neighborhoods and Homes

Fort Worth, Texas sits an ideal location, by the West Fork and Clear Fork Trinity River. It’s a location that has fostered many Fort Worth riverfront neighborhoods and homes. It has fostered focus on a Trinity River lifestyle. There are plenty of niches that edge the water and give residents lovely river views. Many of these niches are in west …

Fort Worth Culture and Family Events

It’s Spring, and Fort Worth culture and family events are in full swing. The annual Mayfest is coming up soon. Mayfest is Fort Worth’s favorite family festival. It will take place in one of Fort Worth’s most popular locations, Trinity Park. The park will provide an ideal back drop, as it hugs a big stretch of the Clear Fork Trinity …

Mont Del Estates Homes

Fort Worth Waterfront Homes for Sale

A number of lakes can be found in the Fort Worth area, outside the I-820 loop. In southwest Fort Worth, Benbrook Lake stands out. West Fort Worth is home to Lake Worth, and Weatherford Lake is just west, near the cozy little town of Willow Park. A lot of communities have their own, private lakes, as well. That is evident …