Home Buyer Scams Using Realtor Emails

October 20, 2016
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Home Buyer Scams Using Realtor EmailsScams sometimes seem rampant in today’s world. We here about one or another on a fairly frequent basis. And, the real estate world is not immune. In fact, scams targeting home buyers are around and should not be taken lightly by any means. These home buyer scams come designed to take your purchase money and run. How do scammers do it? They find ways to get into your realtor’s email. In fact, home buyer scams using realtor emails are quite alarming in the ease of hacking that can occur. Although, being aware is the first step in stopping them.

Be Aware of Home Buyer Scams Using Realtor Emails

In this type of scam, thieves have their eyes on the big pay off of your home purchase money. First, they must get passwords. For example, they can hack them when people log into free Wi-Fi networks. Also, did you know even clicking on those cute, cuddly animal emails can tip them off??

Unfortunately, home buyer scams using realtor emails get off to a flying start, once a scammer gets the password. Now, they can search yours or your realtor’s inbox. They set out looking for anything related to real estate transactions. As a result, in a scenario where they find that, they attempt to pose as your realtor. In fact, you might even get an email from what appears to be your attorney, title representative, or other reputable contact.

Thieves on the other end of the scam want you to relinquish your money, so, what do they do? Posing as the trusted source, realtor or other, they send an email with an urgent message. It likely includes new, money wiring instructions. They want you to wire them the money! That’s exactly what will happen if you follow through. You will never see the money again, as it will go to a fraudulent account, into the hands of unscrupulous scammers.

You may wonder how these scammers can pose so easily and convincingly as your realtor, without arousing suspicion. Remember that they hacked the email. Now, all they need to do is use a simple, easy-to-manipulate email program. For example, PHP Mailer allows them to type any email address they want in the ‘From’ field. As a result, they spoof email. You won’t know it’s not from your realtor, unless you take firm steps and be aware of home buyer scams using realtor emails such as these.

Use Protective Measures and Be Aware of Home Buyer Scams Using Realtor Emails

The first thing you want to do is have a good rapport with a trusted realtor. Stay in contact. Often the quickest way to deny and discourage scammers llike these is to simply contact your trusted realtor directly. Ask them if they sent it? After all, why would they send an unexpected request, out of the blue, requiring an incredibly dubious method of payment anyhow? If you notice something funny, let them know!

Here are added things you can do to protect yourself and loved ones from online scams and viruses. First and foremost, Be sure to turn on and turn up your spam filters. Also, use tools like Gmail’s Priority Inbox. If you have the time, learn how to trace IP addresses. That allows you to see if the email came from your realtor’s IP or some unknown.

At the risk of sounding like captain obvious, here are a few final tips. Never click unfamiliar, unsolicited links or download unsolicited attachments. Keep your computer anti-malware up-to-date! Last but not least, work with a Trusted Realtor. In the Fort Worth area, work with Kirk McDonald.
